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Insights and Recent Findings in Central Precocious Puberty (CPP)

Insights and recent findings in CPP

Actor Portrayal

Please select from the following topics in CPP

Differential Diagnosis for CPP and Other Forms of Precocious Puberty

Review the characteristics and diagnostic paths that can be used to help differentiate between CPP and other forms of early puberty.

Can Extending GnRH-agonist Treatment Benefit Height?

Learn more about findings from a recent study exploring whether there is benefit in initiating or extending GnRH-agonist treatment beyond the traditionally accepted cutoffs of a certain bone age or chronological age.

Key Predictors of Menarche Timing After GnRH-agonist Treatment in CPP

Findings from recent studies discuss predictive factors for when to expect menarche posttreatment.

Understanding Growth Patterns Following GnRH-agonist Treatment for CPP

A recent study reports on what to expect for growth velocity after stopping GnRH-agonist treatment.

Dr. Yang is a paid consultant of Azurity Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
No CME credit is being offered as part of this program nor does it qualify for CME credit.